How do you fit within the industry?
When thinking about the transition from school to work, it’s natural to wonder where your education, skills, and interests can lead you. Throughout your studies and work history to date, you have no doubt amassed a wealth of knowledge, skills, and approaches that will help you to connect to a rewarding career after graduation.
A career in the insurance industry is not always something that people think of, but it will offer you a career path that will build off your education, and take you exactly where you want to go in your career. Whether you studied engineering, marketing, fine arts, or auto mechanics, most post- secondary education will fit within a role that the industry offers.

12,000 positions were added to the insurance industry at the height of the last recession
125,000 Canadians work in the Property and Casualty Sector, 39% of which are millenials and 62% of which are women.
97% of these individuals feel like they contribute to the success of their company, and 94% are proud to work in Property and Casaulty Insurance!