About TalentEgg
TalentEgg.ca is Canada’s most popular job site and online career resource for students and recent graduates.
Since 2008, TalentEgg has helped millions of students and recent grads hatch their careers, and worked with hundreds of Canadian employers to successfully attract top Gen Y talent to join their organizations.
You'll find meaningful, career-launching jobs from top employers in Canada on TalentEgg, of course. But you'll also find thousands of free career resources created specifically with students and recent grads in mind, as well as an active and diverse community of people who are passionate about improving youth employment in Canada, including employers, career centres, educators, parents, and students and recent graduates themselves.
Whether you're looking for a job, trying to figure out how to prepare for a job interview or hoping to ask an employer important questions that will help you with your career, you can find it all on TalentEgg.

Who we are
We're a passionate team that is dedicated to bringing only the highest quality internships, co-ops, summer jobs, student jobs, entry level jobs and early career jobs to budding young professionals who are looking for meaningful work related to their education.
From our office in Toronto (also known as The Egg Carton), we're working hard to help students and recent graduates across the country hatch their careers and also to provide organizations with an innovative, efficient and cost-effective way to reach Generation Y. Learn more about some of our team members below.

Interested in joining our team? See what roles we are currently accepting applications for
Campus Recruitment 360

Campus Recruitment 360 by TalentEgg is an award-winning resource hub and community for campus recruiters and HR professionals where you can learn and share ideas, tips, tricks and best practices for excellence in campus recruitment.
The mission of Campus Recruitment 360 by TalentEgg is to be the home of useful, actionable content for the professional campus recruitment community.
A huge part of TalentEgg’s strategy to bridge the gap between Gen Y and employers has included providing content – articles, videos, interviews, etc. – to help guide students through the process of transitioning from school to work. The how-to articles, recruiter tips and new grad success stories have helped them feel inspired and more prepared to tackle the daunting task of finding a meaningful, career-related job.
We soon realized, however, that similar resources were in demand from campus recruiters and human resources professionals who were constantly searching for better ways to attract, target and recruit top students and recent graduate talent.
Leveraging our unique position at the intersection of students and employers, TalentEgg has produced hundreds of articles, events and presentations for employers on these topics over the years
TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment
Excellence Awards

The TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards recognize egg-cellent work in Canadian campus recruitment.
The awards provides an opportunity for employers, accredited universities and colleges, career centres, career educators and coaches to be recognized within the industry and among your peers, and to gather valuable feedback from top students and recent graduates on your campus recruitment initiatives.
The awards are open to all employers who hire college and university students and recent graduates in Canada.
Categories range from traditional activities, such as on-campus, in-person activities, to excellence in online recruitment. Employers are invited to submit applications in all categories that apply.