Introducing a brand new way to get noticed and recruited by top employers on TalentEgg.ca
Now on TalentEgg.ca, you can upload your resume and record a short video introduction about yourself to show potential employers. Once your profile is complete, it will be visible to employers looking for top candidates.
We know you’re so much more than just your resume, it’s time employers did too. Get noticed and let “the real you” shine through with your personal video elevator pitch!
How To Record A Video Intro
Recording a video introduction is easy! Register for free to become a TalentEgg user, then follow the registration prompts. If you’re already a TalentEgg user, all you need to do is log in, select the person icon on the right-hand corner and hit ‘Profile’ to update! The video below shows you a step-by-step guide.
Tips On Recording Your Best Video Intro, Ever.
Want to put your best face forward when you go to record your video intro? Here are some helpful tips:
Dress for success!
Wear something professional that you would wear to a real job interview - nothing too revealing, wrinkled or dirty.
Make your background look professional.
Recording in a messy room could make you look disorganized and unprofessional.
Lighting is key!
Good lighting can go a long way in making your video quality stand out. In most cases, natural light (coming in from a window) works best.
Rehearse your script.
Preparing a script, or bullet point notes that you want to make sure you hit during your intro is a great idea. Don’t just read from your resume, make sure your intro tells your story beyond what your resume can convey!
Watch for your little habits
They could come across as nerves. Do you tap your foot or fidget with your fingers when you’re concentrating on a task? Even swiveling on your chair can be distracting. Try to avoid these little ticks.
Remember why you’re doing this!
It’s easy to see when someone is passionate about what they’re talking about, and that passion will make you stand out from other candidates!