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Elections Administrator (Independent Contractor) - Capilano Students' Union

Nov 29, 2024
North Vancouver, British Columbia

About the Organization

The Capilano Students’ Union is a non-profit organization (registered under the Societies Act) responsible for providing representation, advocacy, and services for Capilano University students. The Capilano Students’ Union represents over 7,000 students at the North Vancouver and kálax-ay | Sunshine Coast campuses and online students.

The Capilano Students’ Union was incorporated in 1971, and is an entirely separate and legally distinct organization from Capilano University (with separate bylaws, policies, bank accounts, etc.). The organization’s revenues are made up primarily of mandatory student fees that are paid by students enrolled in credit courses.


The Capilano Students’ Union is governed by a board of directors consisting of Capilano University students (the “board”), the membership of which is elected in elections overseen by the elections administrator according to our election-related bylaws, policies, and procedures [attached as appendix “A” in the request for proposals document linked below], with the exception of a limited number of board members who serve ex officio on the board as a result of external elections to the university board of governors and senate (the elections for which are outside of the scope of this request for proposals).

The Capilano Students’ Union holds a general election in the Spring term (usually taking place in February and March) and a by-election in the Fall term (usually taking place in September and October), and referendums, if held, are usually undertaken simultaneously. However, the board does have the authority to request additional elections or referendums throughout the year (except during the Summer term).

The executive director of the Capilano Students’ Union, accountable to the board, appoints employees responsible for providing internal administrative support to the elections administrator, but the elections administrator may also appoint elections staff such as poll clerks and deputy elections administrators independently.

Request for Proposal

The Capilano Students’ Union is seeking an experienced administrator of non-profit and association elections to conduct elections and referendums on behalf of the Capilano Students’ Union, including the selection and appointment of necessary elections staff, if any, including poll clerks and deputy administrators (collectively the “Services”).

This request for proposals is not a tender, and is not subject to the laws of competitive bidding. No bid contractual relationship exists between the Capilano Students’ Union and a proponent by virtue of the submission of a proposal.

The Capilano Students’ Union has the right to:

  • Reject any or all of the proposals;
  • Cancel the entire request for proposals process;
  • Remedy technical errors in this request for proposals;
  • Negotiate with any, or all, or none of the respondents to this request;
  • Solicit the best and final offers from all or some of the proponents;
  • Accept a written proposal “as-is” without negotiations;
  • Choose not to have formal presentations; and
  • Solicit follow-up information as necessary.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

The Capilano Students’ Union is not bound to accept the lowest fee proposal or the highest projected performance. The following list of criteria is going to be used to evaluate all submitted proposals. The order in which the selection criteria are listed is not necessarily indicative of the importance of the criteria.

  • EXPERIENCE. Proposals should speak to the length of time that the proponent has provided election administration services, the proponent’s experience and track record, and the proponent’s capacity to provide high-quality services.
  • AVAILABILITY. Proposals should demonstrate the proponent’s capacity to work with staff on an ongoing basis (including capacity for in-person and video conference presentations, training sessions, meetings, and investigations) during the election periods set out in this request for proposals (appendix “B”).
  • REPORTING. Proposals should demonstrate the proponent’s approach to clear and understandable reporting – acknowledging that members of the board are students and may not have the same policy, procedure, and electoral experience and literacy as would traditionally be expected of non-profit board members.
  • BUSINESS PRACTICES. Proposals should identify whether or not the proponent is an employer certified with the Living Wage for Families campaign and, if not, whether all of the proponent’s direct and contract workers are paid a combination of wages and benefits (other than benefits required by law to be provided) valued at no less than the current living wage ($25.63 per hour in Metro Vancouver).
  • QUALITY. Proposals should be straightforward, concise, and should describe the proponent’s offerings in a format that is reasonably consistent, comprehensible, and appropriate to the purpose.
  • REFERENCES. Proposals should include references from comparable non-profit organizations, especially in respect of the proponent’s performance in administering elections and referendums independently and fairly.
  • FEES. Proposals should clearly set out all fees required for the Services.

Please see full request for proposals

If you're interested in working with us, click here to view the full request and instructions.

This job is from CharityVillage