Tablet signing


CDW understands managing your work and personal life is a balancing act. We want to make sure coworkers have access to the best tools to be successful in the workplace and at home.


CDW offers Medical and Dental coverage, as well as Life Insurance, Long-Term Disability, AD&D, and Critical Illness. CDW also provides an annual Health Care Spending Account, discounted gym membership, an Employee Assistance Program and access to Best Doctors. Our plan and offerings encourages you to take an active role in your healthcare, be aware of the coverage, and is designed to support you and your family. Get healthy, stay healthy.


CDW’s financial security benefits assist you in your future goals to help build a solid foundation for financial security. CDW Canada’s Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP) is designed to help coworkers save for their retirement. Eligible coworkers can acquire share of CDW Corporation Common Stock at a discount through the convenience of after-tax payroll deduction.


We invest in the success of our customers and our communities. Our charitable giving program gives coworkers the flexibility and means to support the causes they are most passionate about. We extend coworkers’ contributions to any non-profit charity through our charitable match program and compensate coworkers for a day of community service every year.


We actively support ongoing education and skills development. We offer tuition assistance, industry recognized certifications and free online learning tools to help engage in work, learn new skills and grow your career.


We're passionate about our work and our play. Our coworkers have an array of interests beyond their work, from marathon training and music concerts to sporting events and volunteering at the local food bank. We try to make it easy to juggle all the priorities in your life.


Coworkers can get their hands on all the hottest technology CDW sells at a discounted rate, as well as special pricing on products we don’t sell through our corporate rewards program.

Join The Team!


"The best part about working at CDW is the amazing team I get to work with. It keeps me motivated to work alongside people who I feel are innovative and hardworking. The positive energy and creativity is contagious, and – as an added bonus – we have a lot of fun together."

– Bronte, Marketing

"The entire CDW culture is very family-oriented. Everyone takes care of each other and is rooting for your success. Our teams are amazing and we are working together to accomplish the same goal!"

– Micheal, Sales

"At CDW, there is no hierarchy attitude; you can talk to anybody and they will respond. It’s the best. No matter where we turn, someone will ask where we can make your work easier and more productive. It’s there and it’s constant."

– Randy, Customer Relations